WeChat Marketing Archives - WeChat Official Agency http://www.wechatapply.com.au/tag/wechat-marketing/ WeChat Official Agency Tue, 02 Jul 2019 05:28:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 http://www.wechatapply.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/download-1-1-150x150.png WeChat Marketing Archives - WeChat Official Agency http://www.wechatapply.com.au/tag/wechat-marketing/ 32 32 Top Tmall Partners in China & Hong Kong http://www.wechatapply.com.au/top-tmall-partners-china-hong-kong/ Tue, 02 Jul 2019 05:28:38 +0000 http://www.wechatapply.com.au/?p=580 Selling online in China is the preferred choice for many foreigners who wish to penetrate the Chinese market. It’s not strange as the market has literally exploded the past years and will continue to grow in the future. If you plan to sell on Tmall (or Tmall Global), the easiest option is to find a Read more about Top Tmall Partners in China & Hong Kong[…]

The post Top Tmall Partners in China & Hong Kong appeared first on WeChat Official Agency.


Selling online in China is the preferred choice for many foreigners who wish to penetrate the Chinese market. It’s not strange as the market has literally exploded the past years and will continue to grow in the future.

If you plan to sell on Tmall (or Tmall Global), the easiest option is to find a Tmall Partner (TP) who can help you through the process. Not only are they experienced and have a presence in China, they can save you much time and money.

There’s a catch though. It’s not easy to find summarized information about Tmall Partners, about their founders, their management, what clients they serve and what marketplaces they’re active on. Therefore, I’ve written this article where I list some of the biggest and most popular Tmall Partners in China and Hong Kong.

Introductory remark

The companies are listed in a random order.

1. Azoya Group

Azoya Group was founded by Alex Huang and Don Zhao in 2013, it’s one of the biggest Tmall Partners in China and has offices in 12 different locations worldwide.

Prior to co-founding Azoya, Alex acted as General Manager of a big IT company in China with responsibility over more than 2000 employees. Don Zhao on the other hand has a long experience of working internationally, mainly in the telecom industry. Both of them are well-known in the China e-commerce industry.

The company currently employs more than 220 professionals and has won different awards, for example:

Awarded Multichannel Supplier of the Year by Sigma Healthcare


Include major platforms like Tmall, JD (Jingdong), VIP, Kaola and RED.


Clients served

Azoya has helped a number of large and medium sized companies, many operating in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry. You can also find clients selling food, clothes and more.

Some examples are:

  • Sigma Healthcare
  • Pharmacy Direct
  • Skin Chemists London
  • Beauty Price


Mainland China, Japan, Korea, UK, Germany, Belgium, Taiwan, France, The Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, United States.

Head office

Shenzhen, China.

2. Web2Asia

Web2Asia is one of the biggest and most reputable Tmall Partners in China, George Godula and Lac Tran co-founded the company in 2006. They have an impressive track record and been quoted in a number of newspapers like the Washington Post, New York Times and Techcrunch. George is also an angel investor and involved in charity work.

The company employs more than 200 people and has won a number of awards over the years, for example:

  • Tmall Global Brand of the Year with Hansgrohe
  • Tmall Global 2017 Super Brand of the Year with dm Drogerie Markt
  • Star-rated Tmall TP Tmall Trade Partner
  • Digital A-List Winner 2017


Include the major online platforms like Tmall Global, Tmall, JD worldwide, JD and Kaola.

Clients served

Web2Asia mainly helps larger and medium sized companies including:

  • Procter & Gamble
  • Lufthansa
  • Logitech
  • Starbucks
  • Adidas

Head office

Shanghai, Mainland China.

3. Export Now

Export Now is a well established e-commerce agency which was founded in 2010 by Frank Lavin, former US Undersecretary of Commerce and Ambassador to Singapore. Export Now offers an easy, turnkey solution to US brands wanting to take advantage of the China market to accelerate their growth.

The company currently has 70+ employees and has the highest rating from Tmall for its TP services.


You can get help to sell your products on Tmall Global, Tmall, JD, JD Worldwide and other eCommerce platforms.

Clients served

Export Now mainly helps small and medium sized clients to start selling in China, some include:

  • NFL
  • Real Techniques
  • Ocean Spray
  • Nutiva


US and Shanghai.

Head office

Akron, Ohio (United States).

4. Gentlemen Marketing Agency

Gentlemen Marketing Agency was co-founded by Olivier Verot and Philip Qian in 2012, they are originally from France and China. Both of them have a long experience of working on the ground in China and managed to build up one of the most well-known e-commerce websites in the country.


Include Tmall Global, Tmall, JD Worldwide, JD and other platforms.

Clients served

The company mainly helps large and medium sized clients to start selling in China. Some of them include:

  • Ferrero
  • Volvo
  • Vogue
  • Hennessy

Head office

Shanghai, Mainland China.

5. Baozun

Baozun is the biggest e-commerce business partner in the industry and currently accounts for 25% of the market. The company was co-founded in 2006 by Vincent Wenbin Qiu and Junhua Wu, the management consists of both foreigners and Chinese nationals.

Baozun was listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange in 2015, which simply speaks for itself.

Market places

Include all major marketplaces like JD, Tmall, Redbook and Amazon.

Clients served

The company mainly handles clients in appliances, apparel, 3C, home furnishing, cosmetics, automotive, insurance and fast-moving consumer goods. Examples of clients are:

  • BYD
  • Brita


Baozun has a presence in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, United States and Mainland China.

Head office

Shanghai, Mainland China.

6. 2Open.biz

2Open is a well-known and established e-commerce agency, the company was founded in 2011 by Luis S. Galan Lozano, originally from Spain. Luis has a long experience in e-commerce and previously worked for EBay and acted as the Head of Digital & Commerce Business Development at El Pais.

The company currently has 30-50 employees and was recognized by RTVE, Spanish National Radio and TV, in the category of “internationalization”.


2Open works mainly with product launches on Tmall and JD (Jingdong).

Clients served

The company serves many Spanish clients, but not excluding other countries. Some examples are:

  • Port De Barcelona
  • Nestle
  • Vigente Gandia
  • Lottusse


Madrid, Spain.
Shanghai and Weihai, Mainland China.

7. Voyage One

Voyage One is an established and well-known Tmall Partner in China, the company was founded by Dennis Zhang in 2002. Being one of the pioneers in the industry, the company has expanded much over the years and currently employs over 200 professionals, serving large multinational clients in the US and other countries.

Dennis has a long history of entrepreneurship and previously founded Devicom in 2002 which managed to reach USD 30 million in revenue.


The company lets clients sell their products through their own online department store, Liking. Your products can reach the major marketplaces like Tmall Global, depending on your product type.

Clients served

The company mainly helps medium sized and larger clients to sell products in China, some examples are:

  • Wella
  • Spalding
  • Champion
  • Real Madrid


Los Angeles, United States.
Shanghai, Hangzhou and harbin, Mainland China.

Head office

United States (Los Angeles).

8. Cleargo

Cleargo is one of the biggest Tmall Partners in Hong Kong and was founded by Charles Chan in 2009. The company has grown much since its inception and currently has a dozen of employees spread out in three different countries: Mainland China, Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore.
Some awards won by the company include:

  • Best E-Commerce Solution (Silver) – Marketing Magazine’s eCommAs Awards 2017
  • Best E-Commerce Marketing Agency (Bronze) at Marketing Magazine’s eCommAs Awards 2017


Cleargo help foreigners to get access to the major eCommerce platforms like JD, Tmall and others.

Clients served

Cleargo mainly works with medium and large sized clients, for example:

  • Kenneth Cole
  • Philips
  • Gore Tex
  • Joyce


Mainland China (Shanghai), Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia.

Head office

Hong Kong

9. TLG Commerce

TLG was originally founded in Barcelona in 1999 and became a global company when opening offices in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai in 2008. The company was founded by Marius Rossell and currently has around 80 employees. He previously worked at Capgemini where he held different management positions, before starting TLG Commerce.

The company won the TICanola prize during the UAE Awards 2015.


You can get help to sell your products on Tmall Global, Tmall, JD, JD Worldwide and other eCommerce platforms.

Clients served

TLG mainly helps medium sized and larger clients to start selling in China, some include:

  • Lacoste
  • Volkswagen
  • Muji
  • Media Markt
  • Herman Miller


Barcelona, Spain.
Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, China.

Head office

Barcelona, Spain.

How much does it cost to hire a Tmall Partner?

First of all, let’s have a look at the options you normally have when choosing a Tmall Partner:

1) Open your own dedicated Tmall store with the help of a partner.

2) Sell your products via the partner’s own flagship store on Tmall.

The second option is the preferred choice if you’re an SME, in fact, many companies won’t even qualify to the list of companies who get access to Tmall. This option is less expensive and preferable if you want to try out the Chinese market.

So how much do you need to pay if you sell via a partner’s own flagship store?

First of all, we need to break down the different costs involved to get a better understanding:

  • Entry fee
  • Running costs
  • Revenue shares

(Other costs might be added depending on what Tmall Partner you choose).

1. Entry fee

This is a fee paid up front to the Tmall Partner in order to get started.

The fee can differ much depending on a number of factors, for example: how many products you want to sell, what kind of products you want to sell and which partner you choose. Giving you a ballpark price, entry fees normally start at USD 5000 – 10,000, but can be significantly higher.

Costs covered by the entry fee (examples):

  • To analyze your product
  • Confirming with the China customs that the products can be imported
  • Creating product descriptions
  • Preparing and designing your own page on Tmall
  • Translations
  • Logistic setups
  • Warehouse preparation
  • Others

2. Running costs

Once you have paid the entry fee, you also need to pay for services to maintain your Tmall store. It’s not uncommon that more established partners charge as much as USD 10,000 – 20,000 per month to keep the machinery up and running.

As mentioned, you can also find partners that are more suitable to SME’s, offering a higher revenue share (%), but charging you significantly lower running costs.

3. Revenue shares

If you decide to set up your own Tmall store on your own, you will need to pay commissions and yearly fees to Tmall, there’s no way to get around this.

Tmall Partners offer different revenue shares, usually stretching between 5-20%. For partners who charge lower entry fees and running costs, the revenue shares are normally higher and can be as high as 30-40%.

How can I find the right Tmall Partner?

Some people have a misconception that they can simply go out and find the first best Tmall Partner. But it’s not that easy. Even if the most established brands handle most product categories, you’ll most likely work with a smaller partner in case you’re an SME.

The size of the Tmall Partner

If you’re a smaller company and visit a Tmall Partner who has hundreds of employees, catering brands like Adidas and Levi’s, you’ll probably need to find a smaller partner that charges lower fees as well.

It’s not uncommon that smaller companies get the cold hand or simply ignored by the biggest companies.

Product categories

Some Tmall Partners focus solely on some specific product categories, might it be food, health care products, clothes or electronics. Choosing a Tmall Partner who has a proven track record and a good knowledge about your specific product category is crucial for a smooth launch, to maximize sales and to meet customer satisfaction.


Even if most Tmall Partners have access to other platforms like JD, Kaola and VIP, you need to confirm this up front. While Tmall focuses mainly on clothes and cosmetics for example, JD (Jindong) focuses mainly on electronics and home appliances.

Do you plan to sell food? Then Kaola is probably the website to go to.

Location of the Tmall Partner

It can be preferable to work with a partner who’s located in the same country, or at least with proximity to where you live. There a number of reasons to this:

a. You are in the same time zone.

b. You can visit the partner in person more easily.

c. Sometimes, you even speak the same language.

d. The partner has probably helped clients from your country and managed product categories that are often exported from that country.

The post Top Tmall Partners in China & Hong Kong appeared first on WeChat Official Agency.

For What products can WeChat marketing be effective? http://www.wechatapply.com.au/377/ Fri, 13 Apr 2018 12:28:32 +0000 http://www.wechatapply.com.au/?p=377 For What products can WeChat marketing be effective? WeChat has been a hot searched term word when it comes to China marketing for many marketers. It creates some illusion that as long as a business, that sounds too simple and too good to be true. Then what are the products that are suitable for WeChat Read more about For What products can WeChat marketing be effective?[…]

The post For What products can WeChat marketing be effective? appeared first on WeChat Official Agency.


For What products can

WeChat marketing be effective?

WeChat has been a hot searched term word when it comes to China marketing for many marketers. It creates some illusion that as long as a business, that sounds too simple and too good to be true.

Then what are the products that are suitable for WeChat marketing?

Generally speaking, many products and enterprises can do online marketing.  But promoting your offer at WeChat requires different approach and mindset

Whether this product can do well at WeChat depends on the nature of the product and the influence of the product in the market. There are mainly several kinds of products that are suitable for WeChat marketing:


Some products that need to be used in ordinary life include products used in food and clothing, such as clothing, household goods, etc., this type of product is easy to do WeChat marketing because these products are what people have to buy regardless. If your WeChat marketing is sound,  there will be a lot of customers to buy you.

2) Service and  Intangible products

This type of product is mainly embodied in Takeaway food, Flower reservation, hotel booking, concert ticket order, flight booking and so on. The products of these services can be propagandized with the help of WeChat marketing, and provide more convenient and quick service.

Recently a “running leg” company has appeared on WeChat. They are providing a service to a large number of WeChat friends, business is doing errands service, if it is raining outside or things do not go out to buy things, you can call this room, they will serve you.

3) Computer hardware and App products

According to the analysis of market data, the sales of this kind of products on WeChat are considerable. Why is it so popular with WeChat users? First, some users of the network are most keen on this type of product, and as the product continues to upgrade, the market of this kind of product will never decline. The advantage of the retreat, can engage in some promotional activities to attract the interest of consumers, such as: free use, free gift, and so on, in the use of the wrong, will decide to buy software, as long as WeChat marketing, sales will be.

4) Online learning course

Online learning course has really hit people’s pain points in current fast-evolving mobile time. Because of things are developing so fast, people are more and more worried about their inability to keep up with new things. People are badly thirsty for new knowledge and skillsets.

2017 has experienced an explosive growth of mobile learning courses. Stories after stories were surfaced that the organizer of online course cashed in millions of dollars within 7 days of a viral WeChat marketing approach. The logic is, as long as you can invite your friends to sign up and pay for the online course, you can get it for free, even once your invitation converts to a set number, you can even get a revenue cut from your friends’ payment.

5) Women’s products

It is interesting to found that most of the customers are women in China digital world, whether they are Taobao or micro business, and women are naturally fond of shopping. Many data show that women are the most important consumer groups, whether they are visitors or purchase rates, consumption, or other data. Some women’s products are very suitable for WeChat marketing. As long as you do well in WeChat marketing, sales will continue to increase.

The above is suitable for the WeChat marketing of some products, want to do a good job of WeChat marketing needs to continue to learn how others get success and the latest technique being adopted by the top marketers in China.

About WeChat apply

WeChat apply is an award winning China WeChat digital marketing agency based in Sydney.Working across all aspects of the marketing solutions like WeChat promotion, WeChat Official Account Registration, WeChat KOL, WeChat Mini Program Ad. and so on, we will ensure you have a solid marketing strategy together with perfectly delivered campaigns. Wechat apply  will transform your China online marketing to increase your lead generation, brand awareness and market engagement.

The post For What products can WeChat marketing be effective? appeared first on WeChat Official Agency.

Walmart in China South West turns to WeChat Pay from Alibaba http://www.wechatapply.com.au/walmart-huaxi-stopped-ali-accept-wechat-pay-26-3-2018/ Tue, 27 Mar 2018 09:48:56 +0000 http://www.wechatapply.com.au/?p=355 Walmart and Tencent Alliance in China may cross anti-monopoly line Let go Alipay and Welcome WeChat Pay Walmart has stopped accepting Alipay at its 90 supermarket stores and started taking on WeChat pay at all stores located in the Western region of China including Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Chongqing, according to China Daily’s report. Walmart China has confirmed they reached a deep Read more about Walmart in China South West turns to WeChat Pay from Alibaba[…]

The post Walmart in China South West turns to WeChat Pay from Alibaba appeared first on WeChat Official Agency.


Walmart and Tencent Alliance in China may cross anti-monopoly line

Let go Alipay and Welcome WeChat Pay

Walmart has stopped accepting Alipay at its 90 supermarket stores and started taking on WeChat pay at all stores located in the Western region of China including Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Chongqing, according to China Daily’s report.

Walmart China has confirmed they reached a deep partnership with WeChat and there will be more exclusive benefits and discounts coming up soon. The two will also collaborate in big data analytics and precision marketing, the multinational retailer said it has ended the partnership with Alipay the two formed in 2015 and that it was a business decision.

Behind the scene

Walmart is JD.com’s third-largest shareholder with just over 12% of shares, and the two formed a strategic partnership back in 2016. WeChat Pay’s operator Tencent is JD.com’s largest shareholder with over 21% share. Therefore it is not hard to figure out that Walmart has become a part of Tencent’s blueprint to enter new retail.

Turf War – Gain upper hand by controlling traffic entry point

The Alibaba-Tencent turf war isn’t new and neither is Tencent’s exclusive right to its competitive strategy. Last September, Starbucks announced that it would start accepting Alipay rather than WeChat pay, 10 months after it had reached a deal with WeChat Pay.

WeChat Apply believes that in the new retail era, the situation where Double Ma devouring market has already formed, related players in the field need to choose which side to go with. The core competition is about who is grabbing the online and offline traffic entry points.

Not only in supermarket chains, we would anticipate more “choose a side” to occur to those high-frequency payment scenarios where these two giants are wrestling such as services like share bikes, shared car and food takeaway.

Detriment of Consumer Benefit?

Some specialist stated the move by Walmart may draw consumer watch dog ‘s investigation on whether the move was an act of monopoly nature.

Some consumers are complaining that not able to use Alipay has created inconvenience when shopping at Walmart stores in question. They are used to Alipay, and their WeChat wallets don’t have enough credits.

WeChat Apply team appreciates the Walmart regional’s strategic move was a strong win for Tencent and WeChat while we also took a dialectical view that the Walmart China’s move may cause some kind of anti-unfair trading and anti-monopoly law in China.

From a micro perspective, removing Alipay from their cashier could be detrimental to consumer’s freedom of payment choice. From a macro perspective, it can be viewed as an action to undermine the fair trade. It is allegedly to take advantage of its market position by limiting a certain condition of transactions, it could cause a distortion of the free market. However, it is subject to the law reinforcement and judge’s call to observe, investigate and decide.


About WeChat apply

WeChat apply is an award winning China WeChat digital marketing agency based in Sydney.Working across all aspects of the marketing solutions like WeChat promotion, WeChat Official Account Registration, WeChat KOL, WeChat Mini Program Ad. and so on, we will ensure you have a solid marketing strategy together with perfectly delivered campaigns. Wechat apply  will transform your China online marketing to increase your lead generation, brand awareness and market engagement.

The post Walmart in China South West turns to WeChat Pay from Alibaba appeared first on WeChat Official Agency.

Zombie WeChat Official Accounts to Disappear Online http://www.wechatapply.com.au/zombie-wechat-official-accounts-disappear/ Tue, 20 Mar 2018 10:34:03 +0000 http://www.wechatapply.com.au/?p=343   Zombie WeChat Official Accounts to Disappear Online Tencent made an official announcement on March 17 that WeChat official account automatic logout mechanism is about to go online, which means those non-active registered WeChat Official Accounts within 210 days will be automatically canceled. Tencent stated that this move will directly improve the situation where nicknames/usernames Read more about Zombie WeChat Official Accounts to Disappear Online[…]

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Zombie WeChat Official Accounts to Disappear Online

Tencent made an official announcement on March 17 that WeChat official account automatic logout mechanism is about to go online, which means those non-active registered WeChat Official Accounts within 210 days will be automatically canceled.

Tencent stated that this move will directly improve the situation where nicknames/usernames are taken without being actively used.

It is understood that within 14 days after receiving the warning notification inside the official account, if the user has not logged in, or pinged the communication port, the account will be frozen.

At present, there are a total of more than 20 million WeChat official accounts. It is believed that there are a vast number of user IDs are not used actively. WeChat Apply estimates about 8%~10% of the existing official account names are registered by the people or organizations with speculation intent, they would have registered some brand names first, stopping the genuine brands from registering. It is wasting resources in the eyes of Tencent.

Tencent refused to give details about how many or percentage of those “Zombie” accounts. It is not hard to guess that Tencent is trying to improve its own social ecosystem and user experience. It is just another positive move made by Tencent recently – freeing up those reallocate resources of those names taken by those “Zombies”

About WeChat apply

WeChat apply is an award winning China WeChat digital marketing agency based in Sydney.Working across all aspects of the marketing solutions like WeChat promotion, WeChat Official Account Registration, WeChat KOL, WeChat Mini Program Ad. and so on, we will ensure you have a solid marketing strategy together with perfectly delivered campaigns. Wechat apply  will transform your China online marketing to increase your lead generation, brand awareness and market engagement.

The post Zombie WeChat Official Accounts to Disappear Online appeared first on WeChat Official Agency.

China’s Four Great New Inventions in Modern Times http://www.wechatapply.com.au/chinas-four-great-new-inventions-modern-times/ Sat, 10 Mar 2018 02:49:33 +0000 http://www.wechatapply.com.au/?p=307 China’s Four Great New Inventions in Modern Times A number of China’s technological innovations have been making their moves in the world. Among them, four stand out with a reputation of China’s “four great new inventions” in modern times, which have made the daily life of the public more convenient. They are not actually inventions Read more about China’s Four Great New Inventions in Modern Times[…]

The post China’s Four Great New Inventions in Modern Times appeared first on WeChat Official Agency.


China’s Four Great New Inventions in Modern Times

A number of China’s technological innovations have been making their moves in the world. Among them, four stand out with a reputation of China’s “four great new inventions” in modern times, which have made the daily life of the public more convenient. They are not actually inventions in technical term, however thanks to China’s huge scalability, the following 4 phenomenon have been pushed to a whole new level leading the world.

Dockless Shared Bicycles

There are over 30 bike-sharing companies in China that operate around 10 million bicycles for shared use to individuals in dozens of Chinese cities.

Although the service of shared bikes originated from Western countries, China surprised the world with a business model of station-less shared bikes that spearheads the sharing economy.

Compared with traditional shared bikes, dockless bikes allow users to simply pick up or park a bike anywhere on the street, instead of at designated docking points.

By combining GPS, smartphone apps, mobile payment and Internet of Things technology, China’s system of dockless shared bikes provides the public with a convenient and affordable transport alternative.

To unlock a bike, you need to scan a QR (Quick Response) code on a shared bike through a smartphone app. To finish riding, you manually lock the bike and pay for your ride though mobile payment services that are connected with the bike app, such as AliPay and the WeChat wallet.

China’s two leading bike-sharing operators, Mobike and Ofo, have been gearing up for global expansion.

Mobike entered Singapore in March and Manchester, Britain, in June. Its distinctive orange bikes can also be spotted on the streets of Florence and Milan, Italy. This September, Mobike is set to land on the soil of London. Ofo, similarly, has begun operating in the United States, Britain, Singapore and Kazakhstan.

In the financial market, the two rivalries have also gone neck and neck. In June, Mobike raised $600 million in a Series E financing round led by China’s Internet titan Tencent, the largest in the global bike sharing industry to date. Now, the company’s total funding has reached nearly $1 billion. In February, Ofo also raised $450 million, which valued the company at $1 billion.

High-Speed Train

Boasting low cost and quick delivery, China has built the world’s longest high-speed rail (HSR) network. Branded as a “name card” for China, HSR runs at speeds of 250-350 kilometers per hour (km/h).

By the end of 2016, China had a 124,000-km railway network, which had the world’s largest HSR network of more than 22,000 km. It had operated 2,595 high-speed trains by 2016, which took up 60 percent of the world’s total high-speed trains.

HSR service debuted in China in 2008. Since then, the country has witnessed an average annual growth of over 30 percent in passenger trips, according to statistics from the China Railway Corporation. By 2016, there had been more than 5 billion passenger trips on China’s bullet trains in eight years.

Currently, China is working on next-generation bullet trains with a maximum speed of 400 km/h. By 2020, one fifth of the country’s 150,000-km railway network will have been HSR, linking more than 80 percent of major cites across the country, according to data from the National Development and Reform Commission.

China’s HSR has also gone global. In 2014, China completed the construction of its first overseas high-speed rail in Turkey. In June 2015, China and Russia inked deals for 770 km of track connecting Moscow and Kazan.

In October 2015, China and Indonesia signed a joint-venture agreement on the construction of a high-speed rail between Jakarta and Bandung. Besides, the China-Thailand railway is currently under construction.

Alipay and WeChat Pay lead China’s move to a cashless society, so customers can scan for purchases. FENG YONGBIN / CHINA DAILY

Alipay, , is China’s leading mobile and online payment service, established in 2004 by China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba Group. During the online transaction process, Alipay acts as a third-party platform, on which buyers pay for their goods by imputing payment passwords or scanning payment code on the Alipay app installed on their mobile devices.

Mobile Payment

Besides, Alipay can also be used for transferring money from one Alipay online account to another account, or from the online account to a bank account by binding a debit card to the online account. It is such convenience that enables China to edge its way towards being a cashless society.

On top of that, users can pay family or personal bills through Alipay, such as water and electricity bills.

Alipay also supports cross-border online and in-store payment, which allows users to make purchases on international websites and apps with Alipay.

Far back in 2013, Alipay exceeded PayPal as the world’s largest mobile payment platform. Thanks to the massive user base and various payment scenarios in China, online and mobile payment has enjoyed absolute advantages in market competition.

In the first quarter of 2017, the market share of Alipay and its major rivalry Tenpay (Wechat pay) reached respectively 54 percent and 40 percent, according to Chinese market research and consulting company iResearch.


With around 731 million Internet users, China has been the world’s largest and fastest-growing e-commerce market. In 2016, online shopping in China saw a growth rate of 26.2 percent, generating 5.16 trillion yuan ($767 billion), according to a report on China’s economic data by the National Bureau of Statistics.

Last year, Chinese people bought more food online with a growth of 28.5 percent. Clothing sales rose by 18.1 percent in the year, while items like mobile devices took up nearly 12 percent.

E-commerce now accounts for 15.5 percent of the total retail sales in the country. Thanks to lower costs and fewer licensing requirements, the bar for individual merchants to open an online shop in China has been set lower than the threshold for opening a physical retail store.

E-commerce has also injected fresh vigor and vitality into the economy of rural China in recent years. In 2016, e-commerce created more than 20 million jobs in rural villages, with over 8.1 million online business owners. Rural buyers also contributed 894 billion yuan ($131 billion) to China’s e-commerce sales last year. Leading operators in China’s e-commerce market include JD.com, and Alibaba’s Tmall and Taobao.

About Wechatapply

Wechatapply is an award winning China WeChat digital marketing agency based in Sydney.Working across all aspects of the marketing solutions like WeChat promotion, WeChat Official Account Registration, WeChat KOL, WeChat Mini Program Ad. and so on, we will ensure you have a solid marketing strategy together with perfectly delivered campaigns. Wechatapply  will transform your China online marketing to increase your lead generation, brand awareness and market engagement.

The post China’s Four Great New Inventions in Modern Times appeared first on WeChat Official Agency.

Stand out of crowd http://www.wechatapply.com.au/stand-outof-crowd/ http://www.wechatapply.com.au/stand-outof-crowd/#respond Tue, 25 Jul 2017 13:40:02 +0000 http://wxa.local/?p=107 Stand out of crowd There are 14million corporate WeChat account in the WeChat world. How could one official acocunt stand out of this huge crowd? WeChat closes transaction loop from , you name it, content marketing, click to buy, scan to pay, real time tracking, to close the deal and receive payment, and remarketing, customer Read more about Stand out of crowd[…]

The post Stand out of crowd appeared first on WeChat Official Agency.


Stand out of crowd

There are 14million corporate WeChat account in the WeChat world. How could one official acocunt stand out of this huge crowd?

WeChat closes transaction loop from , you name it, content marketing, click to buy, scan to pay, real time tracking, to close the deal and receive payment, and remarketing, customer service. etc..

What a brand needs to do is to close the loop of your overall customer journey for your product and services.

Once you have V official account status, you are able to develop WeChat pay, edit, WeChat Advertising Eligibility, red packet , web integration, a long list of advanced WeChat functions will be added to your marketing arsenal ,otherwise are impossible.

Which means it gives you’re a gateway to really put a WeChat centered and oriented China marketing strategy and you don’t lose data.

About Wechatapply

Wechatapply is an award winning China WeChat digital marketing agency based in Sydney.Working across all aspects of the marketing solutions like WeChat promotion, WeChat Official Account Registration, WeChat KOL, WeChat Mini Program Ad. and so on, we will ensure you have a solid marketing strategy together with perfectly delivered campaigns. Wechatapply  will transform your China online marketing to increase your lead generation, brand awareness and market engagement.

The post Stand out of crowd appeared first on WeChat Official Agency.

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